There are several ways to install app.
AWS Marketplace
Docker installation
Regular installation
AWS Marketplace¶
There is an AWS Marketplace prebuild app:
Docker installation¶
Git clone
file to.env.local
Fill database parameters in
with your MySQL credentialsRun
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker exec -it sesdashboard-php-fpm composer install
$ docker exec -it sesdashboard-php-fpm ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
To create Admin user run
$ docker exec -it sesdashboard-php-fpm ./bin/console app:create-user --admin
Regular installation¶
Download an app (download zip or git clone) to your web directory so your webserver should use /public/index.php
file to.env.local
Fill database parameters in
with your MySQL credentials
$ composer install
$ ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
To create Admin user run
$ ./bin/console app:create-user --admin
(Optionally) If your server webroot is not /public directory you could create symlink to it. For example, if your server configured for /public_html directory, run
$ ln -s ~/sesdashboard/public ~/sesdashboard/public_html